Why Choose Us?

We care about each student, and we are dedicated to providing an education that allows our students to succeed. Our highly qualified teachers work with students in a small class setting that allows them to personalize their teaching strategies. We also offer a full range of support services and program offerings that enhance student learning. 

Check out our amazing campus and grounds and see all RC Mahar has to offer!

Learning Expectations

We have high standards of expectations for all Ralph C. Mahar students. Below are the schoolwide learning expectations the middle and high school students at our regional school follow.


  • Access, analyze, and utilize information effectively about themselves, others, and the world
  • Communicate effectively through various means
  • Solve problems effectively utilizing conventional and innovative ways and various types of reasoning
  • Work collaboratively in a variety of situations


  • Demonstrate respect for themselves, others, and property
  • Demonstrate responsible membership in society


  • Practice informed decision making
  • Be responsive to diverse perspectives

State-of-the-Art Classrooms

To access the wide range of educational information available in the 21st century, it’s essential to equip our classrooms with computers and provide our teachers and students with internet access. We take our responsibility seriously by making sure we have the equipment we need along with necessary precautions to ensure online privacy and safety of every student.

We proudly incorporate a number of Web 2.0 applications for educational purposes. Some of these applications include Google Docs, email, blogs, podcasts, social media, video sharing sites, and Google maps.