Special Education
We believe all kids can succeed! As part of our commitment to help all students reach their potential, we offer a top-notch special education program in all grades to identify, diagnose, and serve students with special educational needs or disabilities.
Let’s get together to share our thoughts and concerns, hopes and ideas. The Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a great resource to find community events and workshops to help all families with special needs flourish.
We’re excited to meet you and work together to make decisions that will impact the future of special education.
Please visit the SEPAC Facebook page for more information.
Contact Us
Phillip Saisa
Director of Student Support Services
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Joe Kotright
Supervisor of Student Support Services for Ralph C. Mahar Regional / Orange Elementary / Petersham Center School
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Office - (978) 544-2535 or
(978) 544-6980
Cell - (413) 522-9400
Abby Fairman
Administrative Assistant to the RC Mahar Special Education
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(978) 544-2542, opt. 1 or opt. 3
Melissa Campbell
Special Education Co Coordinator
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Carrie Lehmann
TLC Teacher
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Sara Tolpa
School Psychologist - Special Education Co Coordinator
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Sheri Whitcomb
Administrative Assistant to the Orange Elementary School
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(978) 544-2542, opt. 1 or opt. 3